Lest you think I have been working working working without any rest—you would almost be right, but we have taken a couple short beach trips recently! I’ve been so busy with dancing, reading, and interviewing that I haven’t gotten out enough to enjoy the beautiful views here. With my trip coming to a close, I decided it’s time to get my nose out of the books and relax a bit!
The first was in Boa Viagem, which is here in Recife, but feels like a whole different city. You can’t go swimming there because of shark attacks (someone was attacked just hours after we were there) but we could enjoy the beachy atmosphere and pretty views. There is always something relaxing about just seeing the water and hearing the waves.

This weekend we went to Porto de Galinhas, where I purposely did absolutely no work for two whole days. I didn’t even write in my field journal! I had a caipirinha on the beach (my annual drink) and we ate fresh fish with macaxeira at the barracas. Basically, we just walked on the beach, ate, drank, and enjoyed the views. The beach is beautiful and we saw some pretty intense waves (with surfers!) in some areas, but also calmer conditions around the piscinas naturais (natural pools).